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Showing posts from September, 2020

Its been a year

 Its been a year since you left us. Left so suddenly that you didnt give anyone a chnce to say goodbye.  For us a death anniversary is just a milestone because no day goes by when we dont remember you- what must have your last moment been like? Could we have saved you if we would have been there? these questions will haunt me forever because i know that these will never be answered. you went away with the knowledge that you are going to be a grand dad again but you never waited to see his/her face. Its a girl, pappa. The most wondrous gift any man could ask for. She is a bundle of joy, how she would have loved tour company and you, hers. Every daily routine tasks like running behind her when she crawls all around in the house reminds me of you. How you would have loved to do the same, taking her out for a walk, putting her to sleep, taking care of her I am sure you are watching over her and over all of us. miss you, pappa